
pragma solidity ^0.5.0; // Most tutorials use version 0.4.something but we go big here :)

contract EthBnb {

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// We need to define the addresses as payable, as we need to send funds
address payable landlordAddress;
address payable tenantAddress;

// We define the flat as a struct
// We store the price, the Ethereum address of the current occupant
// and if the flat is available.
struct Flat {
    uint256 priceInWei;
    address currentOccupant;
    bool flatIsAvailable;

// Let's assume this landlord has 8 flats to rent.
// This is a pretty lazy assumption, would be nice to make it flexible
// And let the landlord add and remove flats, but it will do for this article
Flat[8] flatDB;

// Some functions shouldn't be called by anyone else but the landlord
// So we use a modifier
modifier landlordOnly() {
    require(msg.sender == landlordAddress);

// This runs only once, when the contract is created
constructor() public {
    // We store the address creating the contract as "landlord"
    landlordAddress = msg.sender;
    // Filling the array with some test data
    // (all flats available, even # flats cost 0.1 ether, odd #s cost 0.2 ether)
    // Not necessary, but gives us some test data.
    for (uint i=0; i<8; i++) {
        flatDB[i].flatIsAvailable = true;
        if (i % 2 == 0) {
            flatDB[i].priceInWei = 0.1 ether;
        } else {
            flatDB[i].priceInWei = 0.2 ether;

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// This getter tells us if a flat is available or not
function getFlatAvailability(uint _flat) view public returns(bool) {
    return flatDB[_flat].flatIsAvailable;

// This getter tells us the price of a flat
function getPriceOfFlat(uint _flat) view public returns(uint256) {
    return flatDB[_flat].priceInWei;

// This getter tells us who's renting the flat at the moment
function getCurrentOccupant(uint _flat) view public returns(address) {
    return flatDB[_flat].currentOccupant;

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// This function sets the availability of a flat
function setFlatAvailability(uint8 _flat, bool _newAvailability) landlordOnly public {
    flatDB[_flat].flatIsAvailable = _newAvailability;
    // if the flat is to be set as "available", let's remove the current occupant
    // There is no 'null' in Solidity, and an address can't be set to 0 (type mismatch)
    // So we need to use address(0)
    if (_newAvailability) {
        flatDB[_flat].currentOccupant = address(0);

// This function sets the price of a flat
// Can only be called by the landlord
function setPriceOfFlat(uint8 _flat, uint256 _priceInWei) landlordOnly public {
    flatDB[_flat].priceInWei = _priceInWei; 

// This function handles the renting
function rentAFlat(uint8 _flat) public payable returns(uint256) {

    // Look, a tenant!
    tenantAddress = msg.sender;

    // Let's check if the tenant is sending the right amount
    // The modulo operator will be true if the amount is zero,
    // so we have to use &&
    if (msg.value % flatDB[_flat].priceInWei == 0 && msg.value > 0 && flatDB[_flat].flatIsAvailable == true) {

        // We calculate how many days the tenant has just paid for
        uint256 numberOfNightsPaid = msg.value / flatDB[_flat].priceInWei;

        // Set the availability to false
        flatDB[_flat].flatIsAvailable = false;

        // Set the tenant address in flatDB
        flatDB[_flat].currentOccupant = tenantAddress;

        // Send the rent to the landlord

        // The function returns the number of days paid
        // You can use this info on the frontend
        return numberOfNightsPaid;
    // What is the tenant sent the wrong amount?
    // Well we send it back
    } else {
        // we send back the funds (minus gas)
        // we return 0 days;
        return 0;
