
docker-compose.yml is the only file required to run a graph node locally

Steps to run graph-node locally

  1. git clone repo
  2. docker-compose up

Deploy Subgraph on the local graph node deployment

  1. graph create git_user_name/subgraph_name --node
  2. graph deploy git_user_name/subgraph_name --debug --ipfs http://localhost:5001 --node
  3. Test using graphiq playgroup - http://localhost:8030/graphql

Connecting the LocalGraph Node with Local Blockchain Instance(Ganache)

  1. Run Ganache - ganache-cli -h

If you are using Mac operating system

2.1 In Docker compose file 'mainnet:http://host.docker.internal:8545' Note this only works if you are using mac

In are using linux operating system

2.2 Find the server
2.2.1 docker container ls | grep graph-node | cut -d' ' -f1 -> Will give u a container name
2.2.2 docker exec {Result of step 3.1} /bin/bash -c 'apt install -y iproute2 && ip route' | awk '/^default via /{print $3}'
2.3.Use the server in docker compose file EG - ethereum: 'mainnet:'


Run only archive node of the EVM-Blockchain you are trying to index