Docker container and setup instructions to run spark jobs in docker with intellij IDEs
git clone
# replace YOUR_KEY_HERE in the Dockerfile with your ssh publickey
docker build --tag spark-ssh .
docker-compose up -d
This will build the docker image and start spark. At this point, you can ssh into the container(ssh root@IP
) and run stuff with:
python3 /spark/bin/spark-submit \
--master ${SPARK_MASTER_URL} \
To set up intellij, install the Big Data Tools Extension(published by jetbrains), and create a new configuration as follows(where the ssh IP can be obtained by doing docker network inspect spark-default
and looking for the IP corresponding to the container spark-default):
To use numpy/pandas on your server, you need to install the following toolchain:
docker exec -it spark-ssh apk add make automake gcc g++ subversion python3-dev