
Download music

Primary LanguagePython


Download music

Disclaimer: This project is intended for educational purposes only. Please support artists by getting your music from official sources.

To do

  • Build a UI
  • Improve error handling


  1. Install all the dependencies with

    python3 install.py

  2. Run the script with

    python3 get.py This will run a config file for the first time to make sure you the required binaries installed.

  3. Enter the Album URL from youtube.com. For example: youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lq9J1oCESyYOIiuMAmoSMgLanM35g2L2Q

  4. Enter Album and Artist Names. Make sure that the spellings are correct. The case doesn't matter.

  5. The album will be downloaded and stored at ./<artist_name>/<album_name>

Note: If you get an error similar to Cannot extract video data, then try again after a few minutes.