
This is the formal follow up code for the Udemy Course that I'm doing.!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is my

Creating dynamic application

  • Use {} to write some java script inside the JSX tags.

Using attributes with user defined component tags: Use of PROPS

(Take a look at the alongside code with the same commit.)

  • props object gets passed to the Functional component in this case.
  • When using Class component this.props gives access to the same attributes as above.
  • The text enclosed inside the component tag can be accessed using props.children


  • state object is allowed to be used in every component that extends Component.
  • This makes it easier to dynamically modify the UI, followed after the any event.

Most of the components in the react app should be functional. This means that one should limit the number of components, that could change the state of an application. This ensures that the state manipulation operation will be contained. The components that can chagne the state are called CONTAINERS.

Changing State from functional component (Passing components to other components)

  • One can do this by passing a eventHandler/other function reference with an attribute of props.
    click={this.switchNameHandler}      // this is how
  • The function can be used in Person component as:

Passing argument with the function to other components

  • There are two ways to do this
    1. Use bind method
    2. Use Arrow function
bind method
this.eventHandler.bind(this, "hello", "pranav");
Arrow function (This is costly)
onClick={() => this.eventHandler("hello", "pranav")}
  • In large application where the component renders frequestly, this might create performance issue.

Adding two way communication between class and functional component

  • REQ: We want to change the value of the name according to the inbox that is inside a functional component.
// class Component
onInboxChangeHandler = event => {
    name = event.target.value
// pass following as an atribute to the component
// changed={this.onInboxChangeHandler}
// functional component
<input onChange={props.changed} value={props.name} />

Working with list data

  • Use map function.
  • Always make a temp copy before operating on mutable state properties.
  • Use key attribute when working with the lists. It gives dom clear idea to find which components need rerendering.

Deep dive in the Components: Stateful and Stateless


  • It extens React.Component
  • It can access State
  • It can have Lifecycle Hooks (Handlers)
  • Use only if you need to manage State or access to lifecycle hooks.


  • In all other cases.

Component Lifecycle - Creation

Side effects - Requesting data from server

Creation Lifecycle

Component Lifecycle - Update (tirggred by Parent)

Update Lifecycle

componentWillUpdate - Update states here it is more appropriate

shouldComponentUpdate - This function returns True or False. This decides if the compont gets re-rendered.


This is another type of object which should be used when you know that the derived component will have state dependent updates in it. By extending this component, one no longer have to implement componentShouldUpdate method.

Updating DOM

Update DOM

Higher order components

  • Find the alongside commit


If your project uses React 16.2, you can now use a built-in "Aux" component - a so called fragment.

It's actually not called Aux but you simply use <> - an empty JSX tag.

So the following code

  <h1>First Element</h1>
  <h1>Second Element</h1>


  <h1>First Element</h1>
  <h1>Second Element</h1>

Behind the scenes, it does the same our Aux component did.

Using Classes in higher order components

const withHoc = Comp => {
  return class extends Components {
    render() {
        <Comp {...props} />

setState using previous state

  • setState gets executed async. So, there is always possibilility of overriding the previous state from some where else. use following to refelect the correct results.
this.setState((prevState, props) => {
  return {
    show: !this.state.show,
    toggleClicked: prevState.toggleClicked + 1

Validating props type

npm install --save prop-types

Guide Notes

Adding references for FOCUS

Check the alongside commit for code.

Context API

  • User .Consumer and .Provider methods on the global context to pass and use their values.
  • React.createContext can be called to create a component.