Steps to set-up the project:
- Clone this repo
- Open terminal, use cd to go to the working directory.
- Run the following in the terminal in the working directory.
npm install
sudo npm install -g
- Now open the terminal in any directory and write pgen to get started.
About the project: This tool allows a user to generate a password in two ways. One is a random password which the user may customize by choosing wheteher to add special characters or numbers , the user can also change the length of the password according to his will. The second one is a method in which the system generates an easy to remember password. The user can customize the password to include keywords of specific topics. Eg -Animals , Sports etc.
The video demo of the project may be found at
Note by the Developer: I have added comments in the code itself wherever I felt was necessary for explanation. I personally enjoy learning something new, I would like to thank MDG, IIT Roorkee for giving me a fantastic opportunity to learn something new!
Made with ❤️ by Pranav, ECE 1Y.