
Tree of Eridarra is a discord bot that I custom built for my private discord server - Eridarra.

Primary LanguagePython

Tree of Eridarra

A discord bot that cheers you up when you're down, and helps you get work done accountably.


  1. Inspiring and motivating quotes upon command
  2. System where a user can start "working" for X minutes and bot will ask them to get back to work if they text within the next X minutes.

Read this before you proceed:

  1. The code was written on repl.it which also handles the version control for this project.
  2. The discord bot token has been hidden from the public by storing it in a .env file that can only be accessed during repl.it runtime
  3. The bot uses replit's database module to store some information
  4. The bot works on the surface but the code still needs some refinement under the hood to truly call it a working bot. welp.
  5. I've outline how I manage to keep the bot running 24x7 on repl.it later on in this document

How to use:

You're gonna need to generate your own discord bot token in order to use this code as your own bot (instructions for which can be easily found online)

Clone the code to your own repl.it, then create a .env file. In the .env file, add a variable named TOKEN and assign your bot's token to that variable. Any value stored under inside .env will be hidden from the public.

It should look something like this: TOKEN= JfnDFKShFEHASFHDhSD.fdafLUhdshfds (I mashed my keyboard to get that value, don't bother trying to use that^)

Run main.py and boom, you should have a working bot.

How I keep the bot running 24x7

I used repl.it to make this work. By default, repl.it will stop your code from running if you close the tab, however, while running servers it continues to run for up to 1 hour without any requests to the server. keep_alive.py contains the code to start and run a flask server. The flask server is instantiated along with the discord bot in main.py. I use uptimerobot.com to ping the flask server every 5 minutes - this refreshes the 1 hour timeout on the entire session, thus keeping my discord bot alive until I manually stop it.

Packages used

  1. discord.py - for accessing discord's API for bots
  2. replit - for using replit's databases
  3. flask - to deploy a flask server