
A quiz demo app showcasing htmx's capability to build real-time multi-user experiences with minimal JS

Primary LanguageGo

A demo showcasing how to build a real-time multi-user experience with minimal custom javascript, using the excellent htmx and the built-in sse extension.

This is a quiz you can run for a group of friends, where everyone's position in the quiz is synchronized, and all players see any guesses made by any player in a chat-like sidebar.

Technical users that can view source and make HTTP requests on their own are still unable to cheat ™️ since the state is on the server-side.

The quiz runner can reveal the answer and/or take everyone to the next question.


Set a SESSION_SECRET environment variable to authenticate users

Use go run cmd/token/main.go <username> to get access tokens for every user you want to add to the quiz.

Edit questions.go if you want to change or add questions. Note that since it's code you can edit the check function for each question, to allow more creative answers if you wish.

Starting the server

go run .

You can use ngrok or a similar tool to generate a public facing base URL for your quiz.

Then you can generate a unique access URL for every user, by appending the access token you generated above. For example:


Running the quiz

Go to http://localhost:5000 and you will see the same interface as everyone else, but only you have the Reveal and Next buttons.

I recommend dialing into a video chat or something with your friends or co-workers, and then using those buttons as you see fit.