Discord bot focused on providing command-oriented admin functionality.
To invite Fulcrum to your server, click here.
- Ban/kick management
- (Bulk) ban/unban
- (Bulk) kick
- (Bulk) Create (with colours)
- (Bulk) Delete
- (Bulk) Assign
- Assign several roles to a user
- Assign a role to several users
- (Bulk) Remove
- Remove several roles from a user
- Remove a role from several users
- Change role colour
- Rename role
- Create channel
- Rename channel
- (Bulk) delete channels
- (Bulk) Move users between voice channels
- Clear voice channels
- Change/remove user nicknames
- Create invite
- (Bulk) Delete invite
- Change general role permissions
- Change voice/text/stage channel permissions for specific roles
- Bulk delete messages
- Lock channel
- Lockdown server (for extreme cases, locks all channels and optionally deletes all invites to server)
- Unlockdown server (to revert after a lockdown, resets channel-level write permisssions to default)
- Define an English word
- Translate using Google Translate API
- Math
- Generate random number
- Leave voice (makes the user of the command leave the voice channel they are in)