
Unopinionated and flexible library for easily integrating Tumblr data into your iOS or OS X application.

Primary LanguageObjective-CApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Tumblr SDK for iOS

An unopinionated and flexible library for easily integrating Tumblr data into your iOS or OS X application. The library uses ARC and requires at least iOS 5 or OS X 10.7.

[[TMAPIClient sharedInstance] blogInfo:@"bryan" success:^ (id result, NSError *error) {
    if (error) {
      NSLog(@"Bummer, dude: %@", error);

    NSLog(@"Blog description: %@", result[@"description"]);

If you have any feature requests, please let us know by creating an issue or submitting a pull request. Please use the Tumblr API responsibly.

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Table of Contents

Getting started


CocoaPods is the recommended way to add the Tumblr SDK to your project. Using CocoaPods means you don't need to worry about cloning or adding this repository as a git submodule. CocoaPods is a package manager like gem (Ruby) and npm (Node.js), but for Objective-C projects.

Module authors create "pods" which are versioned and stored in a central repository. App developers create "podfiles" to specify their apps' dependencies and use the CocoaPods command line tool to:

  • Fetch the dependencies specified in their podfile
  • Recursively fetch all subdependencies
  • Create an Xcode workspace that includes the pods, links any necessary libraries, configures header search paths, enables ARC where appropriate, and more

If you're new to CocoaPods, the website contains lots of helpful documentation.

To install the Tumblr SDK you can simply create a podfile in your application's root directory that looks as follows:

platform :ios, '5.0'

pod 'TMTumblrSDK'

After running pod install, you'll have an Xcode workspace that includes not only your application but also the Tumblr SDK and its dependencies. That's really all there is to it.

You will get the latest version of the SDK by referring to it simply by name (TMTumblrSDK). This guide explains how explicit dependency versions can instead be specified.

This SDK is really comprised of numerous "sub-pods." If you'd rather not import everything, feel free to mix and match as you see fit:

  • TMTumblrSDK/APIClient
    • TMTumblrSDK/APIClient/Authentication
  • TMTumblrSDK/AppClient
  • TMTumblrSDK/Activity

Each component is described in more detail throughout this README.


Appledoc for the SDK can be found here. If you install the Tumblr SDK using CocoaPods, the docset is automatically added to Xcode for you.


Import TMAPIClient.h. Configure the [TMAPIClient sharedInstance] singleton with your app’s Tumblr consumer key and secret:

[TMAPIClient sharedInstance].OAuthConsumerKey = @"ADISJdadsoj2dj38dj29dj38jd9238jdk92djasdjASDaoijsd";
[TMAPIClient sharedInstance].OAuthConsumerSecret = @"MGI39kdasdoka3240989ASFjoiajsfomdasd39129ASDAPDOJa";

If you don't already have a consumer key/secret you can register here.

The authentication methods detailed below will provide the API client with a token and token secret. The SDK does not currently persist these values; you are responsible for storing them and setting them on the API client on subsequent app launches, before making any API requests. This may change in a future release.


In your app’s Info.plist, specify a custom URL scheme that the browser can use to return to your application once the user has permitted or denied access to Tumblr:


In your app delegate, allow the TMAPIClient singleton to handle incoming URL requests. On iOS this looks like:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication
         annotation:(id)annotation {
    return [[TMAPIClient sharedInstance] handleOpenURL:url];

And on OS X:

- (void)applicationWillFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notification {
    NSAppleEventManager *appleEventManager = [NSAppleEventManager sharedAppleEventManager];
    [appleEventManager setEventHandler:self andSelector:@selector(handleURLEvent:withReplyEvent:)
                                          forEventClass:kInternetEventClass andEventID:kAEGetURL];

- (void)handleURLEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)event withReplyEvent:(NSAppleEventDescriptor*)replyEvent {
    NSString *calledURL = [[event paramDescriptorForKeyword:keyDirectObject] stringValue];

    [[TMAPIClient sharedInstance] handleOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:calledURL]];

Initiate the three-legged OAuth flow, by specifying the URL scheme that your app will respond to:

[[TMAPIClient sharedInstance] authenticate:@"myapp" callback:^(NSError *error) {
    // You are now authenticated (if !error)


Please note that xAuth access must be specifically requested for your application.

Use the TMAPIClient singleton to retrieve an OAuth token and secret given a user’s email address and password:

[[TMAPIClient sharedInstance] xAuth:@"foo@foo.bar" password:@"12345" callback:^(NSError *error) {
    // You are now authenticated (if !error)

If you're only interested in authentication, the TMTumblrSDK/APIClient/Authentication sub-pod can be installed by itself.

API client

Please view the API documentation for full usage instructions.

There are two ways of retrieving data from the API:

// `void` methods for immediate requests, preferable when the caller does not need a reference to an actual request object:

[[TMAPIClient sharedInstance] userInfo:^(id result, NSError *error) {
    if (!error)
        NSLog(@"Got some user info");

// Methods that return configured, signed `JXHTTPOperation` instances and require the client to explicitly send the request separately.

JXHTTPOperation *likesRequest = [[TMAPIClient sharedInstance] likesRequest:@"bryan" parameters:nil];

The API client is built on top of the JXHTTP networking library. If you're only interested in the API client, the TMTumblrSDK/APIClient sub-pod can be installed by itself.

Inter-app communication

App client

The TMTumblrAppClient class provides a simple interface for interacting with Tumblr for iOS if the user has it installed. Only a few basic endpoints are supported for now but more will be added in the near future:

if (![TMTumblrAppClient isTumblrInstalled]) {
    [TMTumblrAppClient viewInAppStore];

[TMTumblrAppClient viewDashboard];

[TMTumblrAppClient viewTag:@"gif"];

[TMTumblrAppClient viewBlog:@"bryan"];

[TMTumblrAppClient viewPost:@"43724939726" blogName:@"bryan"];

If you're only interested in the app client, the TMTumblrSDK/AppClient sub-pod can be installed by itself.

URL schemes

Tumblr for iOS exposes actions using the x-callback-url specification. The TMTumblrAppClient class merely provides a convenient interface on top of the following URLs:


// The post URLs below also support `x-success` and `x-cancel` callback parameters


If you don't want to use this SDK and would rather hit these URLs directly, please go right ahead.


Photos and videos can be passed to Tumblr for iOS using Apple's standard UIDocumentInteractionController.

To include a caption, set the annotation property on the document interaction controller to an NSDictionary containing a TumblrCaption key, mapped to your caption (an NSString). To include tags, add a TumblrTags key to the dictionary, mapped an an NSArray of NSStrings.

If you want only the Tumblr app to show up in a document interaction controller, you can specify the file extension tumblrphoto and custom UTI com.tumblr.photo.


The SDK includes a UIActivity subclass for including Tumblr in a standard UIActivityViewController. It currently provides only the activity icon and title, but you can hook it up however you see fit and we may provide a more integrated solution in the future.

If you're only interested in this UIActivity subclass, the TMTumblrSDK/Activity sub-pod can be installed by itself.


The repository includes a sample application which shows all of the inter-app hooks in action.

Screenshot of Tumblr activity icon




Copyright 2012 Tumblr, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.