polygonlite is a lightweight, yet powerful (um, robust?) library for the usual Point, Edge and Polygon operations in Python.
- Point class which encompasses methods like project on edge, etc.
- Edge class which has more powerful features like angle between edges, intersection of edges, etc.
- Polygon class, which is still under construction.
- polygon.area()
On Polygon objects, you can:
- polygon.contains(point)
- polygon.flip()
- polygon.simplify()
- polygon.area()
- polygon.is_clockwise()
- polygon.is_anticlockwise()
- polygon.as_array()
- polygon.as_linked_list()
On Edge objects, you can:
- edge.angle_between(anotherEdge)
- edge.is_parallel(anotherEdge)
- edge.intersect(anotherEdge)
- edge.on_segment(point)
- edge.project_point(point)
- edge.slope()
- edge.length()
- edge.vector()
- edge.unit_vector()
- edge.y_intercept()
- edge.midpoint()
- edge.as_array()
On Point objects, you can:
- point.distance(anotherPoint)
- point.project(edge)
- point.as_array()
More methods are coming soon, and examples will also be updated soon.
- polygon.is_clockwise() and polygon.is_anticlockwise() now work even for concave polygons.
polygonlite runs on Python. (Python2 tested, Python3 under-testing).
You can simply install using pip.
pip install polygonlite
Firstly, you need to import polygonlite
from polygonlite import Polygon, Edge, Point
origin = Point(0, 0)
point1 = Point([0, 1])
point2 = Point(x = 2, y = 0)
distance = origin.distance(point1)
edge1 = Edge([0, 0], [5, 5])
edge2 = Edge([5, 0], [0, 5])
edge3 = Edge([5, 5], [10, 0])
common_point = edge1.intersect(edge2)
angle = edge1.angle_between(edge3)
edge1_edge2_parallel = edge1.is_parallel(edge2)
origin_lies_on_edge = edge1.on_segment(origin)
length_of_edge1 = edge1.length()
vector_of_edge1 = edge1.vector()
slope_of_edge1 = edge1.slope()
mid_of_edge1 = edge1.midpoint()
polygon = Polygon([[0, 0], [0, 5], [0, 10], [10, 10], [10, 0]])
simplified = polygon.simplify()
polygon_contains_origin = simplified.contains(origin)
is_it_clockwise = polygon.is_clockwise()
reversed = polygon.flip()
Want to contribute? Great! No prerequisites. You're welcome, go on!
- More operations on Polygon class
- Add tests
Free Software, Hell Yeah!