TradeConnect: Robust Distributed Trading System

TradeConnect is a Python-based distributed trading system that simulates a robust market environment. It's designed with multi-threaded operations and uses the xmlrpc library for remote method invocation, making it an efficient system for handling multiple transactions simultaneously.

Table of Contents


  • Distributed System: TradeConnect utilizes the xmlrpc library, enabling various components of the system to communicate over the network, establishing a distributed environment.
  • Multi-threaded Operations: Leveraging Python's threading capabilities, TradeConnect can handle multiple transactions simultaneously, providing performance and efficiency.
  • Transaction Logging: Every transaction is meticulously logged, and completed transactions are marked as served, providing a traceable transaction history.

Getting Started


Ensure you have Python installed on your machine, along with the necessary Python packages listed in the requirements.txt file in the repository.

To install these prerequisites, navigate to the project directory and run:

pip install -r requirements.txt


  • Clone the repo
git clone
  • Install Python packages
pip install -r requirements.txt


Navigate to the project directory and execute the script using the bash command:


This script sets up the necessary environment and initiates the trading system.

Code Structure

  • A bash script to launch the system.
  • Contains the core classes and methods that handle the trading mechanism.
  • Contains functions for logging transactions, marking transactions as complete, and retrieving unserved requests.
  • requirements.txt: Lists the Python packages necessary for running the project.
  • output.txt: Demonstrates a sample output from one of the runs.