mintlify --> Trieve ingest with chunking



You must use Node v20.12.2 for this script.

If you use nvm then you can simply run nvm use from the root of this repo.

Install Packages

npm install

Clone latest version of mintlify/docs repo to tmp folder

mkdir tmp
cd tmp
git clone

Environment Variables

cp .env .env.dist

Then, you have two options to get environment variables for Trieve:


  1. Go to [] and register or sign in
  2. Press "create dataset" from the page for your automatically created organization
  3. Copy the DATASET_ID value to your .env as the value for TRIEVE_DATASET_ID
  4. Create a new owner level API_KEY and copy its value for TRIEVE_API_KEY

Use the CLI

Warning! You must have cargo and some build tools installed to use the CLI.

cargo install trieve 
trieve login
trieve api-key generate
trieve dataset create

Then copy your API_KEY value to the .env file for TRIEVE_API_KEY and the DATASET_ID for TRIEVE_DATASET_ID

Running the Script to Ingest to Trieve

npm run ingest