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Nextcloud Cloud-based Storage Service & Load Testing with Locust


This project sets up a Nextcloud instance using Docker and performs load testing using Locust. Nextcloud is a self-hosted file sharing and collaboration platform, and Locust is an open-source load testing tool.


Clone this repository.

Make sure you have Docker installed on your system.

Navigate to the project directory.

Run the following command to start the Nextcloud instance and Locust load testing:

docker compose up -d Access Nextcloud via your web browser at http://localhost:8080

Access Locust's web interface for load testing at http://localhost:8089

Customize Locust's test scenarios by editing locust_tasks/locustfile.py

Monitor load testing results through Locust's web interface.


docker-compose.yml: Defines services for Nextcloud and Locust, along with their configurations

Nextcloud service:

Uses the latest Nextcloud Docker image Exposes Nextcloud on port 8080 Sets environment variables for Nextcloud admin username, password, MySQL database name, and database directory Mounts a volume for Nextcloud data persistence

Locust service:

Uses the Locust Docker image Exposes Locust's web interface on port 8089 Specifies command-line arguments to run Locust with custom test scenarios and target host. Mounts volumes for Locust test scripts and data


docker-compose.yml: Docker Compose configuration file locust_tasks/locustfile.py: Python script defining Locust test scenarios test_data/: Directory containing test data for Locust

Authror Pranay Narsipuram

University of Trieste, July 2024