
Command line Blackjack game in Python.

Primary LanguagePython

1. I've decided to make Blackjack! 
It's a single player game, competing against the computer (AKA the dealer).

2. Instructions for running my code:
Open your terminal, and cd inside of the folder "Blackjack".
Run the file "blackjack.py" by typing in the terminal "python blackjack.py".
This will run the code, and follow the instructions provided.

3. Choice of tooling:
I wrote my code in Python. The program runs in either Python 2.7 or Python 3, depending on what version is installed on your computer.
I chose Python for its ubiquity and my familiarity with the language.

4. -I chose to make Card, Hand, and Deck their own classes for the ease of 
creating a deck and dealing cards to a hand. This made it easy to deal cards without having to keep track of which cards are left.
-Also, I use time.sleep() throughout the program to provide a slight pause while
info is printed. This way, it's easier for the user to distinguish between different info.