🪁 JetKite - Leaning purpose Zerodha kite clone Android app built with ❤ using Jetpack Compose.
- Build a functional Android app to demonstrate Zerodha Kite app with Kotlin and Jetpack Compose.
- Follows Android design guide and development best practices with Jetpack Compose.
- Explore the possibilities of creating complex ui and ux of a Zerodha Kite app flow using Compose.
- Explore Animation possiblity to implement it and leanr from that
- Creating multi module app by following Guide to Android app modularization
- Following app architecture guide to seperate data and UI layer. See Guide to app architecture
Tools | Link |
🤖 Kotlin | Kotlin |
💚 Jetpack Compose | Jetpack Compose |
🌐 Material Design | Material Design |
🌊 Coroutines | Kotlin Coroutines |
🧭 Navigating with Compose | Navigating with Compose |
🎨 Accompanist | Accompanist |
Warning On first clone, please do
you project so pre-commit githook will setup and code will be validate with kotliner tasks.
- This project uses Twitter Jetpack Compose Rules Using kotlinter-gradle to validate jetpack compose code using klint engine.
Startup | Login | Watch screen | |
DarkMode | |||
LightMode | |||
Orders | Portfolio | Tools | |
DarkMode | |||
LightMode | |||
JetKite Demo video |
JetKite_Video.mp4 |
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See our rockstar contributors 😄
- If you want to contribute to this library, you're always welcome! See Contributing Guidelines.
- Support it by clicking the ⭐️ button on the upper right of this page. ✌️
- See License