
In this Repository contains all my Machine Learning Projects, for better understanding i took all my ML projects in one folder.

In this Projects, I've applied so many techniques on data to get the insights for better understanding about the data.

Techniques that i've applied.

  1. Data Collection.
  2. Data Preproceesing.
  3. Exploratory Data Analysis.
  4. Feature Engineering.
  5. Feature Selection.
  6. Model building.
  7. Model Evaluation.

Classification algorithm.

  1. Logistic regression.
  2. Decision tree classifier.
  3. Support vector machine.
  4. Naive Bayes classifier.
  5. Random Forest Classifier.

Regression algorithms.

  1. Linear Regression
  2. Losso.
  3. Ridge.
  4. Support vector regresser.
  5. Decision tree regressor.
  6. Random Forest regressor.