MBA - Movie Booking Application Backend [ Session 8]

Learning the development of RESTful APIs for backend

This code base contains logic/structure for creating the Restful APIs for the MBA app


Notification system at all levels

  1. Admins will receive e-mail when clients make any changes
  2. Users will get mails on booking
  3. Clients will receive e-mails if admin makes changes to their theaters

How is the code organized in this repo ?

The whole repo is divided into multiple branches. Each branch contains code for a specific concept. For example session1 has the code base for movie CRUD APIs . Each branch is built on the top of the previous branch



  • Node.js
  • Mongodb


this app requires Node.js v14+ to run.

Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.

cd mba
npm install
npm run devStart


Want to improve? Great! Make the changes and raise a PR. Reach out to me over