
A hackable C# based scripting environment for 3D modeling running in the web browser.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Hackuble gif Hackuble icon
A hackable C# based scripting environment for 3D modeling running in the web browser.


Script based 3D modeling software running in the web browser typically requires expertise in JavaScript (JS). This isn't a surprising fact, since web browsers are built specifically for interpreting and executing JavaScript code. However, while JavaScript is a great language, many professionals in the AEC industry (architecture, engineering and construction), are far more comfortable with programming languages such as C#. This is mainly because lots of CAD, BIM and analysis software have C# SDKs which have been widely adopted. That means that aspiring AEC professionals either have to pick up a new language and eco system (JS), or go back to desktop based 3D modeling software to achieve this. Hackuble aims to bridge this gap.

Hackuble is a generative 3D modeling environment built to write and execute C# code in the browser. Scripts can either be authored in the application, or brought in by loading compiled .NET dlls. The scripts can manipulate the 3D scene, such as adding objects. Each script becomes a button, which can be executed later on.


This project was initially developed in the context of the CORE studio Thornton Tomasetti AEC Summer Hackathon 2021. The team consisted of the following people:

Among other things, a major motivation for this project was the democratization of tools for design. The power to develop your own tools implies freedom and empowerment of creativity.


Write, compile and execute C# scripts in the browser.

Hackuble comes with an in-browser scripting editor, where you can write and compile C# code to interact with the 3D viewport. Add your code to the RunCommand method and hit compile. You'll see a new button showing up in the toolbar which can be pressed to execute your code.

Hackuble gif Writing, compiling and running scripts in Hackuble.

Register command arguments to provide user input

Commands can have input arguments, which will be presented as a modal to the user when running the script. Override the RegisterInputArguments method and add your command arguments with type, name, description and default value. Then use the DataAccess object inside of the RunCommand method to read the input values of the parameters.

Hackuble gif Adding a command with custom inputs.

Use the Hackuble SDK to build your own script libraries (dll) in Visual Studio

Hackuble offers an alternative way to add command buttons to the user interface. By importing the Hackuble.Core dll into your own dotnet standard library, you can write and compile your own Hackuble plugin and upload it to the web application at runtime. The dll is then parsed and all types inheriting from AbstractCommand will be registered and added to the user interface.

Hackuble gif Compiling and uploading custom Hackuble plugin dlls from Visual Studio.

Getting started


  • Latest version of VisualStudio 2019 link


  1. clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/EmilPoulsen/Hackuble.git
  1. Open Hackuble.sln
  2. Compile the Hackuble.Examples project.
  3. Set the Hackbule.Web project to start up and hit the debug button.
  4. Once the application is started, click on the "Load Library" button in the side bar. Locate the Hackuble.Examples.dll in the output from step 3 and select it.
  5. You should see buttons showing up in the sidebar.
  6. Clicking on one of those to test a command.

Create a script

Hackuble's system for adding scripts should look familiar to someone with experience with Revit/Rhino/Grasshopper tool development:

  1. Create a script by adding a new class and inherit from AbstractCommand.
  2. Write your script in the RunCommand override method.
  3. A Context object is injected into the RunCommand method, which you can use to interact with the scene, for instance adding objects to the scene.
  4. Each script can have a series of input parameters. These will be presented to a user through a modal in which they can specify values for the input parameters. Use the RegisterInputArguments override to add inputs.

See example below:

public class AddCubeWithColorCommand : AbstractCommand
    //Override there properties to configure the command.
    public override string Name => "Add Cube With Color";
    public override string Author => "Emil Poulsen";
    public override string Description => "Add a cuboid to the scene";
    public override string CommandLineName => "cube-colors";
    public override string Accent => "#FF96AD";

    //Here's where inputs are registered
    public override void RegisterInputArguments(DataAccess dataAccess)
        dataAccess.RegisterTextArgument("Color", "The color of the cube in Hex Format", "#FF96AD");

    //Here's the method that is called when the button is clicked.
    public override CommandStatus RunCommand(Context context, DataAccess dataAccess)
        //Use the DataAccess object to read the user provided inputs registered above.
        string c = "#ffffff";
        if (!dataAccess.GetData<string>(0, ref c))
            return CommandStatus.Failure;

        //Use the context object to add a cube with specified color to the view port.
        context.AddCube(20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 0, 0, 0, c);
        return CommandStatus.Success;

Tech stack

The following key technologies have been adopted in Hackuble:

Note that Hackuble is a front-end only application, meaning there is no need for a back-end. This is possible through Blazor and WebAssembly!

Road map

  • Extend the functionality of the Context object to better reflect the state of the three.js scene.
  • Implement view port interaction to allow adding objects manually.
  • Web-based Visual Scripting Interface for Chaining Commands and Faster Parametric Design.
  • Integration + Interop with p5.js, ml5.js, and more.
  • Integration + Interop with ShapeDiver, Rhino.Compute and more.
  • One-click Deployment packages for local on-premise installation as well as cloud instances.
  • Multi-platform ‘sister’ environments for interop with the likes of Unity, UE4 and more.
