
Minimal Music Player built using Node.js with audio streaming support

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Node.js based mp3 streaming service, and with a gorgeous minimal interface


Can serve files in your music directory anywhere on your pc, over lan!!


  1. clone the repo git clone https://github.com/praneetmehta/Bitsify.git
  2. run npm install to install the project dependencies, and finally
  3. create a folder named symlink in the public directory.

Now open config/symlinkcreator.js and on line 8/9 modify linuxPath/windowsPath variable as per your operating system to your music directory's absoulte path. That's it.

all done!!

run node app in the root directory of the app and open localhost:3000 (3000 is the default port used, you may change it if you want)on your browser.

and Stream songs over your network ;)


1) Beautfiul minmal interface

Beautiful minimal interface

2) Support for searching songs on the fly

Search songs on the fly

3) Support for fetching youtube videos for currently playing song in a draggable floating player.

Floating youtube window support

4) Sharable Playlist Support

5) Ultra responsive design.

Future Plans

  1. Create a mobile UI (something like a native android music player application)
  2. Clean the code. Too much hardcoded segments right now.
  3. Peer-to-peer streaming and sharing support
  4. Much More...

The application is quiet responsive as i have used flexboxes everywhere.

mail me at praneet.mehta@gmail.com for any issues.