SabdaSagar: Offline Nepali Dictionary

A Nepali Dictionary (एउटा नेपाली शब्दकोश)

  • Features

    • Added advanced word search with wildcards
    • Improved search, checks both ह्रस्व and दीर्घ while searching, for example: searching फुल finds both फुल and फूल
    • Example usage of many words have been added
    • Added haptic feedback on button presses
  • Fixes

    • Fixed blank screen bug if pressed back on Random Screen
  • Other Changes

    • Added tooltips and helper icons
    • Added About App screen in the navigation drawer
    • Added App Index screen in the navigation drawer
    • Code Refactor and other UI/UX changes


  1. Normal Word Search (शब्दको अर्थको खोजी)
  2. Rhyme Search (अन्त्यानुप्रास मिल्ने शब्दको खोजी)
  3. Random Word Shuffle (र्याण्डम शब्दको विबरण)
  4. Favorite Word (मन परेको शब्दलाई चिन्ह लगाउन मिल्ने)

Features coming soon:

  • Word of the day as a Notification
  • Nepali Grammar Rules and Lessons
  • Nepali Literature Guide
  • And so much more

Getting Started

Install the latest APK package from Releases Section of this repository. And Enjoy

To build it yourself

  1. Get the Flutter Developement Environment setup. There's lots of resource available online for this.
  2. Clone the repo
  3. You'll need the shabdakosh database before you can build your own app. Please ask for the database (email me or something). I have not included the file in the repo in case someone files a DMCA take down request and the whole repo gets taken down.
  4. Once you have the shabdakosh file, place it in the directory assets/db/shabda.sqlite3.
  5. Now build your app.
  6. Enjoy


Database structure

The databse contains three tables: corpora, meanings, examples.

Table corpora

id word favourite
33018 1
33019 अ: 0

I guess the table and the data types are self-explanatory.

Table meanings

id grammar etymology corpora_id senses
4 पूस. 33018 NULL ['शब्दका अगाडि लागेर अभाव, भिन्नता, विपरीतता आदि बुझाउने पूर्वसर्ग।']
5 नि. 33018 NULL ['दिक्क लागेको अवस्थामा व्यक्त गरिने उपेक्षा भाव।']
6 नि. 33019 NULL ['निकै; अति।']
7 नि. [प्रा. आम< सं. आम्] 33020 ['स्वीकार, सम्झना, आश्चर्य, उपेक्षा, प्रसन्नता, पीडा आदि भाव जनाउने; प्रायः वाक्यका अगाडि आउने शब्द।']

I guess this too is self explanatory.

Table examples

id corpora_id usage
5 33020 अँ त म भन्दै थिएँ, यो बाटोमा भेटियो।
6 33020 मुखले भने गुड्डी हाँकेर ऐले नै अँ के रे मोती समेत फुलाउँछ क्यारे जस्तो गर्छ
7 33053 लोग्नेले सुशीलाको सुकुमार गोलो गर्धनमा हात पुर्याएर अँगाल्यो।
8 33053 भुटानले नेपाल र नेपाली मूलका भुटानीप्रति नकारात्मक दृष्टिकोण अँगाल्यो।

This too is self explanatory. However, I must mention that not every word in the dictionary listing has usage examples. Further, the meanings of the words are taken from one source and the example usage are taken from another source. As a result, sometimes, there are usage examples of certain words that have extra meanings than the ones mentioned in the definitions. I'm planning to show definitions from both sources in the future.


I am accepting pull requests if you want to contribute.
