
Upload your files, upload directories, create repos, delete files, delete directories, delete repos, on GitHub all done programmatically and automated with Python and GitHub API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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1. Get your GitHub Access Token. Refer to this link.
2. Download gitit.py
3. Import using from gitit import GitIt and use it a Python script.

Creating Environment Variables

We have used environment variable to store the GitHub Access Token and GitHub Username securely on your local system. To create one on a Mac, follow the steps below.

1. Create a new dotfile using touch ~/.dotfile_name and edit it to add export GITHUB_USERNAME="REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME" and export GITHUB_TOKEN="REPLACE_THIS_WITH_YOUR_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN"
2. Source it using source ~\.dotfile_name on your terminal and you're all set

Sourcing using source ~\.dotfile_name is only valid as long as the terminal session and gets deleted once the terminal is closed
Hence add source ~\.dotfile_name to your .bashrc and .bash_profile for it to be always valid.