
Create and build RESTful APIs to perform CRUD operations for a home automation scenario leveraging PYTHON and FLASK in docker container(s).

Primary LanguagePython

Python REST API builder via flask.

Create and build RESTful APIs to perform CRUD operations for a home automation scenario leveraging PYTHON and FLASK in docker container(s).

Device Registry Service


All responses will have the form -

  "data": "Mixed type holding the content of the response",
  "message": "Description of what happened"

Subsequent response definitions will only detail the expected value of data field.

List all devices


GET /devices


  • 200 OK on success
    "identifier": "floor-lamp",
    "name": "Floor Lamp",
    "device_type": "switch",
    "controller_gateway": ""
    "identifier": "samsung-tv",
    "name": "Samsung TV",
    "device_type": "tv",
    "controller_gateway": ""

Registering new device


POST /devices


  • "identifier": string a globally unique identifier for this device
  • "name": string a friendly name for this device
  • "device_type": string the type of the device as understood by the client
  • "controller_gateway": string the IP address of the device's controller

If a device with the given identifier already exists, the existing device will be overwritten.


  • 201 Created on success
    "identifier": "floor-lamp",
    "name": "Floor Lamp",
    "device_type": "switch",
    "controller_gateway": ""

Lookup device details

GET /device/<identifier>


  • 404 Not Found if the device does not exist
  • 200 OK on success
    "identifier": "floor-lamp",
    "name": "Floor Lamp",
    "device_type": "switch",
    "controller_gateway": ""

Delete a device


DELETE /device/<identifier>


  • 404 Not Found if the device does not exist
  • 204 No Content on success

Docker Run Commands

  • docker-compose up
  • docker-compose up --build [Rebuild image]