My personal notes, presentations, and notebooks on everything Deep Learning.
Jupyter Notebook
- ahkhalwaiMumbai, Maharashtra, India
- ahmedoumarMarrakech
- Akash4097Morena (M.P)
- AkashM398@twilio
- bourbakisShanghai
- cassyaySan Francisco, CA
- CivitasMax
- dipaxceKathmandu Engineering College
- ebegenIstanbul/Turkey
- gargarchit@openmined @Udacity
- helenabarmerSweden
- ivanrylov
- JoycechidiSomewhere Cool
- KsuerRiyadh
- LakshyaMalhotraUnited States
- ltruncelEnployable, Inc.
- m-romanenko@sicara
- marwan1023Freelancer
- mnaufSaarbrucken, Germany
- NeoBoyInternational Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan
- NovaVicAlberta
- npatta01Walmart
- polarbeargoTaipei, Taiwan
- poojavinod100Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology, Kochi
- q-viperPrimetals Technologies Gmbh
- rupaaiGigaTech Limited
- SadmiB@evercam
- SajjadmanalNew Delhi, India
- Shanmugapriya03@hotstar
- shubhamp1901@smvduclub
- sreshu
- srishileshIndia
- Subhash1998NIT Raipur
- TemitopeOladokunAnheuser Busch InBev
- tswallen@auth0