
A barebones hackathon starter to easily integrate Scalable file upload capabilities into your favourite nodejs applications wihtout any refactoring.

Installation Guide

This project requires the following tools:

  • Node.js - The JavaScript environment for server-side code.
  • NPM - A Node.js package manager used to install dependencies.
  • MongoDB - A NoSQL database system.

Getting Started

Step 1. Clone the code into a fresh folder

$ git clone
$ cd nodejs-file-upload-starter

Step 2. Install Dependencies.

Next, we need to install the project dependencies, which are listed in package.json.

$ npm install

or if you're using yarn

$ yarn

Step 4: Update environment variables and run the Server.

Create a new file named .env by duplicating .env.example. Update the new file with the GitHub credentials. It should look similar to this:

# .env

Now we're ready to start our server in development mode with:

$ npm run dev

or if you're using yarn

$ yarn dev

Open http://localhost:5000 to view it in your browser.

The app will automatically reload if you make changes to the code. You will see the build errors and warnings in the console.

What's Included ?

  • multer: Out of the box suppport for file uploads
  • Express: A minimalistic web framework
  • mongoose: An ODM for integrating MongoDB in JavaScript Applications

For further steps view the user guide.


This Starter is open source software licensed as MIT.