
Infoworld web site for angular attack 2016

Primary LanguageCSS


In today’s world, with advancements and exposure to technologies, we learn many things. But keeping

your curriculum vitae / resume up to date is still a question mark, because you have to go search where

in your local machine and then update and then upload. Here is a one stop solution we provide you to

update your resume online and that too with a single url https://infoworld.2016.angularattack.io/

https://infoworld.2016.angularattack.io/ is a website in which you will be able to update your profile

with the following details


An image of the profile user that is automatically fetched from the website gravatar. (This makes

your job easy, no more searching for profile picture and uploading it)

Name, Address and Email id and phone number of the user.


A short description about the profile user.

Objective: A text area to describe for what objective the user of the profile is applying for an



This contains the hobbies and personal interests of the profile user


Here is where the user can add their skill sets

Educational Qualification: This is a field for the user to type in their qualification and their course


Work Experience:

The user can add their work experiences with a short description on that.

All the fields above can be edited anytime, by just clicking on the Edit icon that will be found at the top

right corner of the page. An easy interface for the user to remove /add any if the Hobbies, Skills ,

qualification and Work experiences in the edit mode. There shall also be an option for the user to print

this anytime they want.