Writing shellcodes has always been super fun, but some parts are extremely boring and error prone. Focus only on the fun part, and use ShellNoob!
ShellNoob got accepted at Black Hat Arsenal! See announcement here: link.
The new (updated) version will be publicly released during Black Hat Briefings.
- convert shellcode between different formats (currently supported: asm, bin, hex, obj, exe, C, python, ruby, pretty)
- interactive opcode-to-binary conversion (and viceversa) mode. This is useful when you cannot use specific bytes in the shellcode.
- resolve syscall numbers and constants (not exactly implemented yet :-))
- portable and easily deployable (it only relies on gcc/as/objdump and python). And it just one python file!
- in-place development: you run ShellNoob directly on the target architecture!
- other options: prepend breakpoint, 32bit/64bit switch.
- read from stdin / write to stdout support (use "-" as filename)
$ ./shellnoob.py -h
./shellnoob.py [--from-INPUT] (input_file_path | - ) [--to-OUTPUT] [output_file_path | - ]
./shellnoob.py -i (for interactive mode)
./shellnoob.py -c (insert a breakpoint at the beginning of the shellcode)
./shellnoob.py --64 (64bits mode)
./shellnoob.py --get-const <const>
./shellnoob.py --get-sysnum <sysnum>
supported INPUT format: asm, obj, bin, hex
supported OUTPUT format: asm, obj, exe, bin, hex, C, python, bash, ruby, pretty
./shellnoob.py --from-asm shellcode.asm --to-bin shellcode.bin
Some alternatives (the tool will try to guess what you want given the file extension..)
$ ./shellnoob.py --from-asm shellcode.asm --to-bin
$ ./shellnoob.py shellcode.asm --to-bin
$ ./shellnoob.py shellcode.asm --to-bin - > shellcode.bin
$ cat shellcode.asm | ./shellnoob.py --from-asm - --to-bin - > shellcode.bin
$ ./shellnoob.py -c shellcode.asm --to-exe shellcode
$ gdb -q shellcode
$ run
Reading symbols from ./shellcode...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
(gdb) run
Starting program: ./shellcode
Program received signal SIGTRAP, Trace/breakpoint trap.
0x08048055 in ?? ()
$ ./shellnoob.py --get-sysnum read
Value: 3
./shellnoob.py --get-const O_RDONLY
Value: 0
$ ./shellnoob.py -i
ins_to_opcode (1) or opcode_to_ins (2)?: 1
ins_to_opcode selected
>> mov %eax, %ebx
mov %eax, %ebx ~> 89c3
./shellnoob.py -i
ins_to_opcode (1) or opcode_to_ins (2)?: 2
opcode_to_ins selected
>> 89c3
89c3 ~> mov %eax,%ebx
- proper implementation of --get-sysnum and --get-const :-)
- use readline to save the history (in interactive mode)
- test on the different platforms