
[stable] small and sometimes useful scripts

Primary LanguageRoffMIT LicenseMIT

Small scripts

This repo contains small and short shell scripts for simplifying daily tasks on the command line, and ranges from long one-liners to compact, but more complex solutions (all under 50 lines long).


Generally, the standard base utilities (coreutils/ sbase and ubase) are required. Nearly all of these scripts are written in the rc shell scripting language, the plan 9 shell, which is available in 9base, plan9port or an independent reimplementation (although some scripts might not work with that one since it has some differences from the original plan9 version, which I prefer).

Some of the scripts depend on each other.

  • acpi is needed for batwatch.
  • amixer is needed for chv.
  • awk is required for cgdc, chv, cts, field. ircjoin, note, partsum, pfm, plng, sal, tflt and zug.
  • bc is required for beau, big, chv, cnt, note, pprz and wsch.
  • bzip2 is needed for pprz.
  • cdparanoia is required for rip.
  • chromium is needed for chrm.
  • curl is required by 4img, tmping and up.
  • dmenu is needed for cts, sc, vd and zug.
  • dzen2 is needed for batwatch and note.
  • fenc is needed for bu.
  • ffmpeg is needed for musconv.
  • fulgurate is needed for fulg and fulgurate-add.
  • gen is required for mg.
  • git is required for gitpost, pfm, shp, takquip and tflt.
  • gpg2 is needed by cts, dec, enc, dwpd and.
  • gzip is needed for bu.
  • ii with the ssl patch is needed by ircjoin.
  • mpv is required for tagesschau.
  • nc is needed for plng and sad-pickup.
  • oggenc is also needed for rip.
  • sad is required for sad-pickup and sc.
  • sam is needed for sts.
  • scp is needed for bu.
  • spm is needed for bu.
  • sxiv is required for tmpimg.
  • vis-digraph is needed for vd.
  • wmutils core is required for barign, beau, big, cnt, note, wsch and zug.
  • wmutils opt is needed for barign and zug.
  • xsel is needed for vd.
  • xscreenshot is needed for ppprz.

Utilities included in the GNU coreutils, but not specified by POSIX:

  • find with the -maxdepth flag for gitpost and musconv.
  • mktemp for 4img, cgdc, cts, note, tflt, tmpimg, zug.
  • readlink for nt and plng.
  • sleep with floating point arguments for barign and note.
  • stat for bu and cgdc.
  • tac for tflt.

Utilities included in util-linux, but not specified by POSIX:

  • eject for rip



and for uninstalling

make uninstall
