I realized there is usually some kind of structure in my makefiles and man-pages, these are just some little files I use as templates.
The makefiles in this repo have one advantage over lots of other makefile: they include an uninstall option.
- config.mk: template for makefile configuration
- all.mk: template for one single program, created from C program files has the possible targets all, clean, install and uninstall
- inst.mk: installs the target to $(PREFIX), has the targets install and uninstall
- mult.mk: makefile that installs and uninstalls multiple targets and their man-pages.
- mult_all.mk: makefile template for a project with two libraries. Can of course be expanded to more libraries.
- template.1: man-page template file
But, in fact, every file in this project is somewhat a template, look for example at the README.md and the license file.
MIT license, more details in LICENSE.