
StockPi is a RaspberryPi based real-time stock price monitoring system.

Primary LanguagePython

StockPi Logo

StockPi is a RaspberryPi based real-time stock price monitoring system powered by Finnhub's API

Motivation 👨‍💻

I am a huge stock market enthusiast and monitoring stock prices in realtime requires a dedicated device (which I don't wanna block just for this purpose). So I decided to make it fun and intuitive by using a Raspberry Pi rusting in my cupboard :)

Demo Gif

Getting up and running 🏃‍♂️


  • RaspbeeryPi 3 or above.
  • Rainbow HAT
  • Micro USB adapter (Old mobile phone charger).


Let's get this started

Clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/pranshuchittora/stockpi.git

Install the dependencies

 pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Setup Finnhub account and generate API token. Copy and paste the token in the .env file.


Run main.py

python3 main.py

Voilla 🤗

Service setup on system startup (MacOS / Linux only) ⚙️

Main advantages of running this on Raspberry Pi is that it's a low power device and we can configure it to auto-run the script on startup which makes it hassle-free.

Change file permissions

chmod u+x main.py

Create a system service

Run the following command to create a service

> sudo systemctl edit --force --full stockpi.service

Insert these statements with your settings, save them and quit the editor

Description=StockPi Service



Run systemctl status stockpi.service to get the service status

> systemctl status stockpi.service

● stockpi.service - StockPi Service
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/stockpi.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
    Active: inactive (dead)

Now let's enable and start the service

> sudo systemctl enable stockpi.service
> sudo systemctl start stockpi.service

Yaaay, now to don't need to start the program manually. I'm not a robot 🤖

P.S. I am still figuring out python best practices and syntax. 🙅‍♂️
