
GitHub action for discarding the cache with the build output, where it was shelved by shelve-output-action, after it was used for uploading as artefacts for a new release.

Primary LanguageAMPLMIT LicenseMIT

Discard Shelf with Build Output

GitHub action for discarding the cache with the build output, where it was shelved by shelve-output-action, after it was used for uploading as artefacts for a new release.

Only platforms Linux, macOS, Windows on the architecture X64 are supported.


Discards the cache with binary executables produced on each platform and shelved earlier:

- uses: prantlf/discard-shelf-action@v3

Depending on the name of the executable, it will discard the cache with the following cache keys. For example, for the name newchanges:

OS Cache Key
Linux newchanges-linux-x64.zip-{sha}
macOS newchanges-macos-x64.zip-{sha}
Windows newchanges-windows-x64.zip-{sha}

The name prefix of the archives can be specified by name. If not specified, it will be inferred from the project configuration (v.mod). The {sha} in the cache key is the SHA-1 hash of the current commit.

Use a different name prefix than the default in the package archive name and work only in specific release branches:

    - uses: prantlf/discard-shelf-action@v3
        name: vpm
        branches: master v1.x


The following parameters can be specified using the with object:


Type: String
Default: (read from v.mod)

The name of the archive without the platform and architecture and without the .zip extension. The project name from v.mod will be used by default. The expected names of the archives will be {name}-{os}-{arch}.zip, for example: newchanges-linux-x64.zip.


Type: String
Default: 'main master'

Branches which this action should run for, which are used to publishing releases. Use whitespace for separating the branch names. If you want to use multiple lines in YAML, introduce them with ">-". If you want to allow all branches, set the value to "*".


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Can be set to false to prevent this action from discarding the cache. It's helpful in the pipeline, which will not continue releasing, but only building and testing, and that will be decided in the middle of a job execution.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Include the archive for Linux.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Include the archive for macOS.


Type: Boolean
Default: true

Include the archive for Windows.


Copyright (C) 2023 Ferdinand Prantl

Licensed under the MIT License.