
Converts YAML input to JSON/JSON5 output.

Primary LanguageVMIT LicenseMIT


Converts YAML input to JSON/JSON5 output.

Uses prantlf.json and prantlf.yaml. See also the jsonlint tool.


Convert a file config.yaml to a file config.json, append a trailing line break to the JSON output and make the output more readable by indentation:

yaml2json config.yaml -o config.json -lp

Convert a file using standard input and standard output, as condensed as possible, no trailing line break:

cat config.yaml | yaml2json > config.json


yaml2json [options] [<yaml-file>]

  -o|--output <file>    write the JSON output to a file
  -t|--trailing-commas  insert trailing commas to arrays and objects
  -s|--single-quotes    format single-quoted instead of double-quoted strings
  --escape-slashes      escape slashes by by prefixing them with a backslash
  --escape-unicode      escape multibyte Unicode characters with \u literals
  -l|--line-break       append a line break to the JSON output
  -p|--pretty           print the JSON output with line breaks and indented
  -V|--version          print the version of the executable and exit
  -h|--help             print th usage information and exit

If no input file is specified, it will be read from standard input.


v -prod yaml2json.v
v fmt -w .
v vet .
npx conventional-changelog-cli -p angular -i CHANGELOG.md -s


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Lint and test your code.


Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Ferdinand Prantl

Licensed under the MIT license.