Assignment 2: Building a VM Autoscaler.


  • libgtkmm3.0
  • libgtk3
  • libcairo2
  • libcairomm
  • libpango
  • libpangocairo
  • libglibmm-2.4
  • libvirt

Directory Structure

The src directory cntains the source code for the client, server and vm manager in their respective folders.

The build-release folder contains the executables and build files for the corresponding client, server and vm manager in thier respective folders.

The testcases folder contains a script to generate input that can be fed to the Client.

├── src
│   ├── client
│   │   ├── Client.cpp
│   │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   │   └── KVClientLibrary.cpp
│   ├── server
│   │   ├── Server.cpp
│   │   ├── KVStore.cpp
│   │   ├── KVCache.cpp
│   │   └── ThreadPool.cpp
│   │   ├── KVClientHandler.cpp
│   │   ├── KVServerLibrary.cpp
│   │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
│   └── VMManager
│       ├── main.cpp
│       ├── VM.h
│       ├── VM.cpp
│       ├── Graph.h
│       ├── Graph.cpp
│       ├── Manager.h
│       ├── Manager.cpp
│       └── VmManager.h
│       ├── VmManager.cpp
│       ├── CMakeLists.txt
├── testcases
│   ├── input0.csv
│   └──
└── build-release
    ├── client
    │   └── ...
    ├── manager
    │   └── ...
    └── server
        └── ...

Compilation Instructions

This project has been build using cmake build system, which can be installed on Ubuntu using,

	sudo apt-get install cmake

In order to build the project, cd into the server , client or manager directory under build-release directory,correspondingly whichever needs to be built.

Empty the build directory if compiling on a new machine for the first time. For example, if manager needs to be built, the build directory for manager which is 193059004/build-release/manager, first remove the contents of this directory using, rm -rf 193059004/build-release/manager/.

Once the build folder is cleaned up cd into it and type,

	cmake <path to source directory>

This will create all the necessary make files, required to build the executable from the source files. The, just run make to build the executable.

For example,

cd 193059004/build-release/manager
rm -rf .
cmake ../../src/VMManager

This will build the executable for Manager.

Alternatively, the executable for the corresponding source, the executable will already be present in the corresponding build directory.