30-Day Coding Challenge 🌟

Welcome to my 30-Day Coding Challenge! 🚀

I've embarked on this coding journey to improve my coding skills, build an impressive portfolio, and share my progress with you. Each day, I'll be working on a new project and posting updates right here on LinkedIn.

Project Directory

Below is a list of the projects I've completed during this challenge. Click on the project names to view the code and live demos:

Explore Site

  1. Day 1: Random Anime Quote Generator | Live Demo
  2. Day 2: Captcha Generator | Live Demo
  3. Day 3: Number Guess Game | Live Demo
  4. Day 4: Todo App | Live Demo

Connect with Me

I'd love to connect with fellow coders, developers, and tech enthusiasts! Let's connect on LinkedIn and stay updated on each other's coding journeys:

Connect on LinkedIn

Stay Updated

Don't miss any of my coding journey updates! Follow me here on LinkedIn and stay tuned for more exciting projects and coding adventures.

#CodingChallenge #WebDevelopment #JavaScript #LinkedInCoder #30DaysOfCode #CodingJourney