
In the past years we have seen that price of cryptocurrency rapidly grow due to its great return. So, our team explored several cryptocurrencies and we have decided to make a web-app that will display all the necessary things (like Basic info of particular crypto, their live pricing, 7 days graph, etc) along with hourly, weekly and monthly forecasting of crypto coins for better understanding of the nature of cryptocurrencies.

-> We are performing predictions on cryptocurrencies using timeseries arima model and we are plotting the result of 1 week and 1 month forecasting.

-> We are also plotting hourly (upto 6 hours) forecasted values.

-> Website is created and hosted using streamlit.

-> Data retrival is from YFinance and Cryptocompare.

-> Basic libraries we used are: matplotlib, plotly, pandas, numpy and statsmodel

-> For spinner animation we used lottie animation library.

-> This is just a demo work as we have developed this webiste as a part of our capstone project.

Happy coding!

Streamlit App