
A simple web application built using Express/Node, Angular, Mongo, Jade templates, Stylus and few other tools

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple web application built using Express/Node, Angular, Mongo, Jade templates, Stylus and few other tools

Project Requirements

Node v4.3.0

Express v4.13.4

Mongoose v4.4.11

body-parser v1.15.0

jade v1.11.0

stylus v0.54.2

    npm install express stylus body-parser mongoose jade

Basic Setup

Clone the repo or download the Zip file.

Unzip into a directory.

Navigate to the directory using the "Command Prompt" (windows) or "Terminal" (Mac) and start the node server by typing "node server.js"

Open your preferred browser (Chrome or Firefox), and type "http://localhost:8090/" (The server is listening at port 8090)

Basic Setup Screen-Shots

Alt text Alt text

Mongo DB Setup (running at the default port: 27017)

Create a new DB called "sfnodeclub" Alt text

Create a new collection called "events"

"Events" Schema

    name: String,
    todaysEvent: Boolean,
    eventDate: Date,
    eventDesc: String,
    AttendeeCount: Number

Alt text

(Optional) Insert one or more rows to the collection (If no rows are present, the code will try to use an internal collection that is hardcoded set of records)

Sample records (You can copy and paste each row)

name: 'SFNode Club Meetup',todaysEvent: true,eventDate: new Date('Apr 07, 2016'),eventDesc: 'Meet and greet fellow node developers and learn about security in node.',AttendeeCount: 60
name: 'Next Month SFNode Club Meetup',todaysEvent: false,eventDate: new Date('May 07, 2016'),eventDesc: 'Learn about new features of node.js and how to use Karma as a testing too.',AttendeeCount: 120
name: 'New SFNode Club Meetup',todaysEvent: false,eventDate: new Date('Jun 07, 2016'),eventDesc: 'node.js has new task manager tools. Come learn about them and meet and greet Paul Irish.', AttendeeCount: 40

Alt text

Supported Browsers

Modern browsers (> IE9)

Web App Screen Shots

Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text

How do I run this locally?

Start the node server using the command prompt or Terminal, by navigating to the directory where the source code is and typing "node server.js"

In your preferred browser, navigate to "http://localhost:8090/"

Random Lorem Ipsum Content Generator

Used a random content generator via http://baconipsum.com/json-api/