
This project has test to verify, Automation Practice website functionality. It is using Page Object Pattern and written in Java using selenium.

Getting Started

To get started install the required software and run the test to verify.


Install the below prerequisites

Running the tests

To run the tests use any of the two ways mentioned below. Add USERNAME and PASSWORD in src/main/resources/

  • Running using maven
    • Open the project in terminal and run below command $ mvn clean test
  • Running testng.xml through IDE
    • Import the project to IntelliJIdea/any IDE, Build the project. Right click on testng.xml and select run.

Project Folder Structure


  • src is the root folder which consists of Main folder and test folder


    • Main has Java which consists of the java related files supporting the frame Work. It has Pages and utils folders.
      • Pages consists of the pages to support the framework. Pages contain objects and methods for a particular page.
      • This folder consists all the utilities required for the framework.
      Fetching configuration from config properties file and creating constant variables.
      • file in resources consists of configuration properties and test data for project.
      • Configutil class will fetch the properties file.
      • Config class will convert all the properties in config to static final variables
      Driver Factory
      • The Driver factory class will create a driver required for the test`
      • This class consists of the utilities used by webdriver extracted.


    • This folder consists of tests inside 'java->tests'


      • This file consists of properties and test data.
      • Please add user name and password.

Run the Tests

  • setUp Method
    • This method will open twitter and logs in user.
  • Test
    • This will verify all the flows for the Already Registered Section
  • tearDown
    • This method will again unfollow user to make sure test runs fine when ran second time.

Generate the Reports

Run the below commands to see the report.

allure generate target\allure-results --clean -o allure-report
allure open