- 1
recorder.stop() takes several minutes to complete
#111 opened by whydna - 1
Errors when recording for longer than two minutes
#88 opened by eliich - 1
- 1
No build folder when installing version 3.0.5
#113 opened by OlekVano - 5
Build directory not created for version 3.0.5
#108 opened by etaylor23 - 7
- 0
Child page popup error: pageVideoStreamCollector.registerTabListener when followNewTab is true
#114 opened by lanshunfang - 2
recordDurationLimit not work
#85 opened by xiongzhp - 1
what is the good way to destroy the recorder and release the resource it use?
#81 opened by FishBlanche - 2
Audio support
#86 opened by Mythli - 10
Frames are being dropped, not smooth animation
#69 opened by hills - 0
Add a demo in
#73 opened by sovetski - 1
Replace `puppeteer` with `puppeteer-core`
#66 opened by ackava - 1
How to record mobile sized videos
#65 opened by mecirmartin - 1
Video is stretched when headful
#76 opened by maxbespoken - 1
video not generating for ios devices
#90 opened by evamendes - 0
Recording videos in electron?
#89 opened by aviralpostman - 0
- 1
Screen recording files generated by puppeteer-screen-recorder cannot display fonts correctly in AWS Lambda environment
#68 opened by tianqi999 - 0
Is support for electron apps available?
#84 opened by aviralpostman - 3
FPS should not be slow motion
#67 opened by DaWe35 - 3
Phone aspect ratio recordings e.g. 1080x1920
#83 opened by renzo2000 - 0
Recording frames captured do not synchronize accurately with the frames of the video playing on the webpage
#82 opened by ayush617 - 2
Puppeteer New Headless causing the video to zoom in
#79 opened by aamirv1 - 4
how to get specific size of the website captured
#47 opened by IdanRot - 0
- 4
- 0
audio video not sync
#77 opened by mboussaid - 2
- 2
videoFrame option is ignored
#56 opened by madc0w - 0
- 1
- 5
- 1
- 2
Can I pay you to add RTMP Support?
#61 opened by lylepratt - 1
- 2
rmtp stream
#33 opened by danielehrhardt - 2
First runs are running slower
#50 opened by IdanRot - 1
#53 opened by geetpurwar - 2
- 1
- 0
custom ffmpeg flags support (gif support)
#49 opened by lublak - 1
not getting time of .webm caputured
#46 opened by IdanRot - 4
prevent cors issue
#45 opened by IdanRot - 1
- 3
Question- no background capture
#41 opened by IdanRot - 2
- 6
ffmpge path is missing
#31 opened by Arun-KumarH - 0
Alternative fps values still store 30 fps
#37 opened by josvos - 1
improving framerate of CSS transitions
#34 opened by rctngle