
Funime is an app for anime fans. It gives users info about anime using MyAnimeList's database. Users can search for anime titles, see the synopsis, cast, and crew. Funime helps users stay up-to-date with the latest anime releases and discover new shows.

Primary LanguageKotlin


Funime is an app for anime fans. It gives users info about anime using MyAnimeList's database. Users can search for anime titles, and see the synopsis, cast, and crew. Funime helps users stay up-to-date with the latest anime releases and discover new shows.

Technologies used

  • Kotlin: Lelenime is built using the Kotlin programming language.
  • Jetpack Compose: The app's user interface is developed using Jetpack Compose, a modern UI toolkit for Android.
  • Room: An Android library for local data persistence and working with an SQLite database.
  • Retrofit: A popular HTTP client library for handling network requests and communicating with the Jikan API.
  • Coroutines: Kotlin Coroutines are employed for handling asynchronous operations in a concise and efficient manner.
  • DataStore Preferences: Used for data persistence and storing user preferences in a modern and efficient way.
  • Navigation Component: Utilized for navigation management and handling transitions between screens.
  • Material Design 3: Lelenime adheres to the Material Design guidelines and utilizes Material Design Components for consistent and visually appealing UI.
  • Paging 3 and Paging Compose: Libraries used for implementing pagination in the app, enabling efficient data loading and display. Firebase Performance Monitoring: Integrated to monitor app performance and gather insights. Firebase Crashlytics: Integrated for real-time crash reporting and analysis.


Anime Screen Manga Screen Favourites Screen
Search Screen Anime Detail Screen Settings Screen
More Anime Screen


Contributions to Funime are welcome! If you would like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository by clicking the "Fork" button on the top right corner of the Funime repository page. This will create a copy of the repository under your GitHub account.
  2. Clone your forked repository to your local machine: git clone https://github.com/your-username/Funime.git.
  3. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix: git checkout -b my-feature.
  4. Make your changes and test thoroughly to ensure they work as expected.
  5. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add some feature'. Please provide a clear and descriptive commit message.
  6. Push your branch to your forked repository: git push origin my-feature.
  7. Open a pull request by visiting the Funime repository on GitHub. Click on the "New Pull Request" button.
  8. In the "base repository" dropdown, select the development branch instead of the master branch. This ensures that your pull request is targeted at the appropriate branch.
  9. Provide a detailed description of your changes, including the purpose and scope of the pull request. If your contribution is related to documentation improvements, please mention it specifically.
  10. The project maintainers will review your pull request and provide feedback. Be prepared to make adjustments if requested and engage in the discussion around your contribution.
  11. Once your pull request is approved and merged, your changes will become a part of the main Funime codebase.
  12. If you are interested in helping with the documentation, you can contribute to the project's documentation repository.

Please make sure to adhere to the project's coding style, guidelines, and best practices. It's also recommended to discuss significant changes or new features in an issue before starting to work on them, as it allows for better coordination and avoids duplication of efforts.

Thank you for considering contributing to Funime! Your contributions help make the project better for the anime community.