
Event registration app generator

Primary LanguageJava

Cleaver is a framework which helps developers generate an Android application for event registrations. The goal of creating Cleaver is as the name suggests, to cut the developers work (by a lot, hopefully) and provide an easy way for anyone who knows Java to create an app for event registrations. The developer does NOT need to know the first thing about Android app development.

The developer has to provide a JSON file(alternatively, he may choose to implement the InputSource interface in case he's getting the data from some other source(internet etc.)) containing the events in the format specified in the example json file provides in the main/src/assets folder. The developer will also have to implement the OnRegisterListener. This will mean providing an implementation of the "onRegister(Data)" method. This method is called whenever any end user registers for any event. The Data object contains all the data provided by the end user during the registration. The developer has to decide what needs to be done with the data. And.... that's pretty much it. You decide what events need to be present and you decide what needs to be done when the user clicks on register. The rest will be handled by the framework.