This is a collection of benchmarks that aim to measure the performance of operating system primitives, such as process and thread creation.
To build the benchmarks you need a C compiler, meson and ninja.
mkdir out
cd out
meson --buildtype=release ../src
All benchmarks run their work for five seconds, and the fastest pass is reported.
Create 100 threads and wait for them to finish. Each thread does nothing (just return).
- WIN32:
Create 100 processes and wait for them to finish. Each process does nothing (just exit).
- Unix:
- WIN32: Not implemented (Windows lacks the corresponding functionality).
Launch 100 programs and wait for them to finish. Each program does nothing (just exit).
- Unix:
- WIN32:
Create 65,534 files, write 32 byts of data to each file, and then delete them.
NOTE: To measure filesystem/kernel performance rather than storage medium performance, consider using a RAM disk.
Allocate 1,000,000 small chunks of memory, and then free them. Each chunk is 4-128 bytes in size.