This project is created for simplifying java HTTP requests. This is inspired from python's request library. You can send http requests with just one line of code. This is still in beta and I will be adding functionalities for PUT and DELETE requests soon. Feel free to contribute to this project.
This project depends on org.json library. You can get it here
We can send GET requests in 4 ways:
- GET without parameters and headers
- GET with parameters and without headers
- GET with headers and without parameters
- GET with both parameters and headers
import org.simplehttp.Request;
import org.simplehttp.Response;
Simple GET
Request request = new Request();
Resposne response = request.get("");
int statusCode = response.statusCode;
String responseText = response.responseText;
JSONObject json = response.getJSONResponse();
String encoding = response.encoding;
GET with parameters
HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
Request request = new Request();
Resposne response = request.get("", params, "");
GET with headers
HashMap<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
Request request = new Request();
Resposne response = request.get("", "", headers);
GET with both parameters and headers
HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
HashMap<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
Request request = new Request();
Resposne response = request.get("", params, headers);
The POST method works exactly like the GET method. That is the main advantage of this library. When you want to pass request body, pass it in the same way as passing the request headers in GET.