
Python Script to control Yeelight Candela Ambient Lamp YLFW01YL over BLE

Primary LanguagePython


candelapy is a simple python script that lets you control your Yeelight Candela Ambient Lamp YLFW01YL over BLE.


candelapy is based on pygatt

$ sudo pip install pygatt

If you want to use the webserver version you'll need Flask

$ sudo pip3 install flask


$ git clone git://github.com/praschak/candelapy.git


To control your lamps(s) you need to find out their MAC adress. Usually they are listed as yeelight_ms.

$ sudo hcitool lescan

Afterwards you can use the script as follows:

$ python candelapy.py [mac adress] [intensity 0-100]

The webserver versions can be accessed via Port 5000:

http://[IP]:5000/yeelight?intensity=[intensity 0-100]


To turn on the lamp to full intensity:

$ python candelapy.py F8:24:41:C0:71:A7 100

And to turn off the lamp:

$ python candelapy.py F8:24:41:C0:71:A7 0

Simple integration into Home Assistant:

  platform: command_line
      friendly_name: 'Light Bathroom'
      command_on: 'python /home/pi/candelapy.py F8:24:41:C0:71:A7 100'
      command_off: 'python /home/pi/candelapy.py F8:24:41:C0:71:A7 0'

Open Tasks

  • Activating the Fire-Mode and controlling several lamps (BLE mash) at once is not yet implemented in the official app, thus not reverse engineerable.