Introducing the BACK Stack
Watch the Kubecon session: Introducing the BACK Stack!
For a local install, you need kind installed and a bash-compatible shell.
Fork and clone this repo
gh repo fork back-stack/showcase --clone
Create a personal access token link
with your personal access token, the repository url, the vault token, your provider-azure credentials see here, and your provider-aws credentials see hereGITHUB_TOKEN=<personal access token> REPOSITORY=<path to forked repo> VAULT_TOKEN=root # this is the default for 'dev' mode AZURE_CREDENTIALS='{"clientId": "xxx","clientSecret": "xxx","subscriptionId": "xxx","tenantId": "xxx","activeDirectoryEndpointUrl": "","resourceManagerEndpointUrl": "","activeDirectoryGraphResourceId": "","sqlManagementEndpointUrl": "","galleryEndpointUrl": "","managementEndpointUrl": ""}' AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="xxx" AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="xxx" AWS_SESSION_TOKEN="xxx"
Run the installer