
A android project repository on our own ideation

Primary LanguageKotlin

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Equilibria (UI and ideation contributor )

To obtain a balance between tasks and time

Issues Faced :

In the current time of information overflow neither lack of opportunities nor resources are there but what we lack is in managing our time to utilize these things. We have to perform multiple tasks in a day. Taking an example of students- they need to complete their assignments on time, give quizzes, explore different domains of their interest, attend college events and many more things are there. To accomplish multiple tasks, we require multiple platforms, while hopping from one to another high chances of missing out one or the other thing is there. Slipping out of some of the important tasks from our minds may lead to disasters.

After deciding what is to be done the task must be performed with at most concentration to get the best output in a limited time but with popping notifications it is really difficult to do so. Just dedication and concentration do not guarantees accomplishment of the task we may get stuck in between which may lower the motivation and willingness to continue with the job.

After deciding what is to be done the task must be performed with at most concentration to get the best output in a limited time but with popping notifications it is really difficult to do so. Just dedication and concentration do not guarantees accomplishment of the task we may get stuck in between which may lower the motivation and willingness to continue with the job.

Hence failing in planning our day and executing the planned things in the right way may prevent us from utilizing our full potential.

Solution :

Here we are with a platform to help one out in managing and performing tasks and to bring a balance between time and task.

  • Section to create a to-do list to plan our day.
  • Reminder section where one can add reminders for time-bounded tasks.
  • To keep pace with the time we have a Pomodoro section where the user can set the timer of the specified time within which the work is to be done and analyze his/her speed.
  • Community section where one can join groups of one's interest and get his/her task-related doubts resolved there. This mutual helping will motivate to keep learning and going
  • In each community, an announcement area is also there where community-related announcements made can be received and can be directly added to the reminder list.

Functionalities/Features :

  • Tasks get added to the to-list, can be deleted upon left swipe, can be marked as done on the right swipe.
  • Reminders can be added in the reminder section as per the specified date and time can be deleted on the left swipe.
  • The timer can be set in the Pomodoro section the timer runs in the background too and can be controlled from the notification bar.
  • The community section contains chat activity and an announcement section. In the announcement section, the announcements made are received by all the community members and can be directly added to the reminder list upon right swipe.
  • Custom illustrations on the splash page and onboarding screen
  • Eye catching animations on the login screen.
  • The app can be used in both landscape and portrait mode.

Concepts Used :

  • Firebase authentication: to authenticate the user
  • Cloud firestore: to host the database
  • Cloud messaging: for receiving notifications
  • Recyclerview: For the listing of communities, to-do lists, reminders and announcements.
  • Alarm manager: to keep the timer running in the background
  • Viewpager2: Used in onboarding screen and reminded to swipe left and right.
  • Swipe gesture: to delete or mark list item upon swiping.

Screenshots :

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App Access :

🔗 Links

Future Scope

Block Activity of social media apps or apps of customised preference. Communities will be enhanced and we will be able to create our own communities. We will be introducing pomodoro feature for communities where we can study together. We will be introducing leaderboard for users to encourage them spend more time in the Pomodoro feature. We will be adding customized ambient sounds and themes to Pomodoro.


Question 1 How is this app different from other task manager apps?

Answer - We have all the features clubbed which are required for task completion rather than just a to-do list.

Question 2 What is the purpose of community?

Answer - To help us in our task when we get stuck and to help others too in a similar situation.

Question 3 What's the purpose of Pomodoro?

Answer - To set the timer and concentrate on a particular task for the specified duration

Question 4 Can we set alarms?

Answer - No, currently that's not included in our future scope.