VaccineNotifier will periodically check the CoWIN portal to find availability of vaccination slots. In the config file (explained below), you can enter one or more PIN codes, your age, your choice of vaccine and which dose. If it finds available slots, it will send you an email. (Once an email has been sent, the script waits for half an hour to send you the next update)
It is extremely easy to use this. Here are the steps to be followed:
If you have 2-factor authentication enabled in your Gmail account, then visit the following link to generate an app password and enable access: Link
Enter details like PIN code(comma separated for multiple pincodes), Age, Email ID, Password(that you generated in previous step), which vaccine and dose in
Example of config.cfg
pincode=560066,560020,560022 # Add one or more PIN codes separated by comma
password= # Enter your password here
vaccine = Covishield # Enter the vaccine you want (Covishield/Covaxin).
dose=2 # Enter 1 for first and 2 for second dose
# By default, it will use the current/today's date
# If you want information for a particular date, enter the date in DD-MM-YYYY format
On your terminal run the following commands (I am using Python 3.7 to run these scripts):
pip install -r requirements.txt
(Installs the required packages)python
(You might have to authenticate/use admin access on your system)
Here is a sample screenshot of the email it sends you: