Amazona ECommerce Website

  1. Introduction to this course
    1. what you will build
    2. what you will learn
    3. who are audiences
  2. Install Tools
    1. Code Editor
    2. Web Browser
    3. VS Code Extension
  3. Website Template
    1. Create amazona folder
    2. create template folder
    3. create index.html
    4. add default HTML code
    5. link to style.css
    6. create header, main and footer
    7. style elements
  4. Display Products
    1. create products div
    2. add product attributes
    3. add link, image, name and price
  5. Create React App
    1. npx create-react-app frontend
    2. npm start
    3. Remove unused files
    4. copy index.html content to App.js
    5. copy style.css content to index.css
    6. replace class with className
  6. Share Code On Github
    1. Initialize git repository
    2. Commit changes
    3. Create github account
    4. Create repo on github
    5. connect local repo to github repo
    6. push changes to github
  7. Create Rating and Product Component
    1. create components/Rating.js
    2. create div.rating
    3. style div.rating, span and last span
    4. Create Product component
    5. Use Rating component
  8. Build Product Screen
    1. Install react-router-dom
    2. Use BrowserRouter and Route for Home Screen
    3. Create HomeScreen.js
    4. Add product list code there
    5. Create ProductScreen.js
    6. Add new Route from product details to App.js
    7. Create 3 columns for product image, info and action
  9. Create Node.JS Server
    1. run npm init in root folder
    2. Update package.json set type: module
    3. Add .js to imports
    4. npm install express
    5. create server.js
    6. add start command as node backend/server.js
    7. require express
    8. create route for / return backend is ready.
    9. move products.js from frontend to backend
    10. create route for /api/products
    11. return products
    12. run npm start
  10. Load Products From Backend
    1. edit HomeScreen.js
    2. define products, loading and error.
    3. create useEffect
    4. define async fetchData and call it
    5. install axios
    6. get data from /api/products
    7. show them in the list
    8. create Loading Component
    9. create Message Box Component
    10. use them in HomeScreen
  11. Install ESlint For Code Linting
    1. install VSCode eslint extension
    2. npm install -D eslint
    3. run ./node_modules/.bin/eslint --init
    4. Create ./frontend/.env
  12. Add Redux to Home Screen
    1. npm install redux react-redux
    2. Create store.js
    3. initState= {products:[]}
    4. reducer = (state, action) => switch LOAD_PRODUCTS: {products: action.payload}
    5. export default createStore(reducer, initState)
    6. Edit HomeScreen.js
    7. shopName = useSelector(state=>state.products)
    8. const dispatch = useDispatch()
    9. useEffect(()=>dispatch({type: LOAD_PRODUCTS, payload: data})
    10. Add store to index.js
  13. Add Redux to Product Screen
    1. create product details constants, actions and reducers
    2. add reducer to store.js
    3. use action in ProductScreen.js
    4. add /api/product/:id to backend api
  14. Handle Add To Cart Button
    1. Handle Add To Cart in ProductScreen.js
    2. create CartScreen.js