
A Docker based sandboxing mechanism to safely execute untrusted user code, built using goLang.

Primary LanguageGo


A Docker based sandboxing mechanism to safely execute untrusted user code in an isolated environment and prevent remote code execution vulnerability and other nasty things one can think of.


How it works

For each code execution request here is what computeEngine does:

  • Roll up a new Docker Container.
  • Mount a shared Directory from main server to this Docker Container.
  • Write the code to be executed along with execution instructions.
  • Container Executes the code present in shared Directory.
  • Result is written into a new file created by container witin the shared directory.
  • Main server watches for creation of this file and once done Responds to user with the result.


prerequisites: Docker and golang.

1) Build Docker Image from dockerfile

$ cd sandbox
$ docker image build -t sandbox:v1 .

2) Start the go server

$ go run main.go

3) Verify the deployment by navigating to:

4) To try out the code execution part make a POST request to \execute with "code"(Js for now) in body of request:

Something like this: N|Solid


  • Add Timeout docker kill to executeHandler.
  • Start writing Tests.
  • Add multi Language Support.



Free Code, Hell Yeah!