URL Shortener Service

This is a simple URL shortener service implemented in Go using MongoDB as the database. It generates unique and shortened aliases for long URLs and provides real-time redirection to the original links.


  • Generates unique and short aliases for long URLs
  • Redirects users to the original link when a short URL is accessed
  • Links expire after a configurable default time span
  • Highly available and designed for minimal latency


  • Go programming language
  • MongoDB database


  1. Make sure Go is installed on your system. If not, refer to the official Go installation guide.

  2. Install the necessary Go packages:

  3. Install and set up MongoDB on your local machine or a remote server. Refer to the official MongoDB documentation for instructions.

  4. Clone this repository:

  5. Update the MongoDB connection URL in the repository/url_repository.go file:


Replace "mongodb://localhost:27017" with the appropriate MongoDB connection URL.
  1. Build and run the application: go run main.go

Running the service

  1. Make sure to install docker on your machine
  2. Run docker-compose up

The server will start on http://localhost:8080.