Deformation Transfer method for various geometric models
I tested Add-On on Ubuntu. It may work on Windows (with few changes in code).
2.81 or more
Numpy, Scipy, scikit-sparse
- Install Anaconda
- Create an python environment name "Blender281" (version of the python should be the same as Blender python)
- install numpy, scipy and sciki-sparse
- uninstall numpy and scipy from blender (otherwise you will face comaptibility issue)
- Anaconda folder-> envs -> Blender281 -> lib -> PythonX.Y -> site-packages
- replace global variable "LibPath=Anaconda3/Blender281/lib/Python3.7/site-packages/" by "LibPath=Your_Anaconda_folder_name/Blender281/lib/PythonX.Y/site-packages/"
- Activate the Add-On. The toolbox is visible in blender UI region.
please see the video at
@inproceedings{Domadiya:2019:GDT:3359998.3369408, author = {Domadiya, Prashant M and Shah, Dr.Pratik and Mitra, Suman}, title = {Guided Deformation Transfer}, booktitle = {European Conference on Visual Media Production}, series = {CVMP '19}, year = {2019}, isbn = {978-1-4503-7003-5}, location = {London, United Kingdom}, pages = {7:1--7:10}, articleno = {7}, numpages = {10}, url = {}, doi = {10.1145/3359998.3369408}, acmid = {3369408}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, keywords = {Deformation Transfer, Poisson Interpolation, Vector Graph}, }